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3 Budget-Friendly Ways To Update Your Living Room

When we first design rooms in our homes, we make them fit our style and incorporate current trends. But over time, our styles change along with the ever-changing trends, and the room starts to look outdated. Trying to update your home can get expensive, though. Even if you just focus on one room at a time, you can still end up spending lots of money. Luckily, there are some ways you can update your living room without breaking the bank. Keep reading to learn about some budget-friendly ways to update your living room.

Change Décor Details

Making small changes can influence how a room feels and give it an updated look without requiring lots of cash. Start with the lighting. Harsh overheard lights help us feel energized, but when we’re trying to relax in the evenings, they’re too much. Add a table lamp or floor lamp in a few key areas for softer, ambient lighting and watch the room come alive.

Use cheap art to update your walls, or finally get around to framing some photos. Thrift stores are great spots to find beautiful pieces of art and picture frames for cheap. You can also add small details to surfaces around the room. Adding a candle to a side table or putting a plant on your coffee table makes your living room feel more organic.

Clean and Organize

Maybe your space already has everything you need, and you just want to update it so that it flows better. Taking time to clean and organize will help you accomplish that goal and help the room feel new when you finish. Clean up any trash or useless clutter first, then start putting things away in specific locations. If you don’t have enough locations available for your items, either get rid of more things or invest in more storage options. Once you’ve cleaned and organized everything, you can try rearranging your space to feel like you’ve updated a lot without spending a cent.

Create a New Statement

Another budget-friendly update you can make is using your money to create a new statement. You can invest in a statement piece of furniture, such as a sofa with a luxurious texture. Or you can update a part of the room itself by doing something like painting a statement wall. While focusing your budget on a single update may feel wasteful, it’s actually a great way to make a big update while spending little. Your statement for the room will change how everything feels, so you’ll notice a big difference even if you only change one thing.

There are lots of budget-friendly ways to update your living room. But changing décor details, cleaning and organizing, and creating a new statement are the best three for those with big visions and limited budgets. If you’re hoping to find a statement piece or make a few updates to your furniture, we offer living room furniture payment plans that will allow you to get what you need without breaking the bank.