5 Popular Styles of Sectional Couch To Consider
If you need to get the most out of your living room space but don’t want to skimp on comfort, consider buying a sectional couch. Sectional couches turn any living room, rec room, or entertainment room into a cozy and stylish retreat. If you need versatility, extra seating, and plenty of elegance, sectional sofas are the way to go. Here are five popular styles of sectional couch to consider on your search for the perfect seating arrangements!
L-Shaped Sectionals
As the name suggests, L-shaped sectionals form an “L” shape, giving plenty of room to stretch out from every angle. They’re wonderful for corner spaces and are likely the most common type of sectional couch out there, offering many different sizes. If you have a big family or regularly have many friends visit, L-shaped sectionals are a good choice. Everyone will find a comfy spot to sit, and you won’t sacrifice room space or interfere with traffic. And they’re great for watching movies, sporting events, and more!
U-Shaped Sectionals
For our next letter of the alphabet, let us introduce the U-shaped sectional couch. Adding another side to the already convenient L-shaped style, U-shaped sectionals create inclusive and ample seating for all your family or guests. Visitors see each other as they chat, snack, or watch TV. U-shaped sectionals also present greater customization options, allowing for reclining sections and chaise lounge seating in certain parts.
Modular Sectionals
Want even more customizability? Modular sectionals aren’t stuck in a single shape or space. They consist of individual pieces that you can rearrange to fit the room’s needs. If you like a lively and changeable entertainment space, modular sectionals, with their lightweight pieces, offer ongoing and easy flexibility. Tired of a certain look? Rework it by shuffling the pieces around. And you may add pieces over time, expanding and reducing the sofa as needs and tastes demand.
Reclining Sectionals
Most sectionals tend to consist of blocky parts that don’t allow for much stretching out. Reclining models present the ability to sit up straight or lay back. Watch TV or take a snooze whenever you want!
Sleeper Sectionals
Sofas get a little sneakier with sleeper sectionals! Use it for everyday chatting, TV watching, or entertainment. Then, when it’s time to go to bed, sleeper sectionals easily shift into solid and comfortable beds. Save space and accommodate guests, even if you don’t have an extra bedroom. The next morning, convert it back into a sofa in no time at all.
Those are just five popular styles of sectional couches to consider. Contact us for more ideas on making your living room the place to be comfortable and entertained. We offer living room furniture on credit and so much more to beautify your home!